Wednesday, June 23, 2010

American Idols

Who is your Idol? John Wayne? What profit is there for anyone to have an imaginary character for an idol? A foolish person will idolize a character, which no one can measure up to. A child growing up idolizing such characters will, never posses the personal growth they may have had otherwise. They idolize an idea, which has qualities that are unattainable, unrealistic and lack the qualities of a true “real life” role model. I mentioned only John Wayne but he is just one character out of thousands who are idolized throughout America and throughout the world. Those stars seem irresistible to most. Why is that? Draw your own conclusion. Why is it that so many still idolize a pro boxer who raped a woman and bit off an opponent’s ear? Why? How? If he wasn’t famous, few would want anything to do with a guy like that, yet many buy tickets to his fights. How can a woman who is responsible for brutally ending the career of an ice skater have a more prominent place in culture than the woman she is responsible for injuring? She is still on TV being paid way too much for the thug that she is. Why do so many buy tickets to see and idolize so many stars whose personal lives are drunken, drug riddled cesspools? Why does any parent let their child purchase and listen to music about killing others, even promoting the killing of police officers? Why do Americans idolize this type of behavior? How is it even possible? Think about it. Is God behind these so-called idols? No? Who then? Do you think God wants any of us supporting these stars? If God doesn’t, who does then? Draw your own conclusion. What does it teach a child whom watches his parents ignore the character of a star because they sing well, fight well or play well? There are too many irresistible lures too list. Who or what makes those lures so irresistible? God? Could it be something or someone more sinister? Is this healthy to idolize movie stars, sports stars, rock stars, country stars, comic book heroes etc? Is it of God to join with thousands of others to cheer a person? Do you cheer God in that same manner? How do you worship God? Do you show up to church once a week and listen to a sermon? How do you support your favorite movie star? Do you buy a ticket for every movie they make? Do you feel their presence in the theater? Do they make you laugh or cry? Do they make you feel real emotion? Do you feel a fondness in your heart for them? Do you experience those same feelings for God? Does God touch your heart in the same way? How do you idolize your favorite sports team or music performer? Do watch every game? Do you go to church for every service? You can’t watch every game and go to every service anymore. The games are on at the same time the church doors are open. Is that a coincidence? Maybe it is. What does God think when you join thousands of others to cheer a music star or sport’s team? Do you cheer the same way for God? What is more like worship? Dragging yourself to church once a week because it is that day of the week or the cheering and excitement at these music and sporting events? The Bible tells us over and over to throw away our false idols. Are these not false idols? You don’t think this is what God and his disciples were talking about? How much time is spent watching them, shopping for products made by or endorsed by them, or reading about them by Americans? If it weren’t about the idols, if it is about the game, you would watch a peewee game. They cost less to watch and the outcome is far less predictable. If it weren’t about idols, you wouldn’t fight the crowds and spend ridiculous amounts of money to see a show performed by a drunk or drug user. If it isn’t about the Idol, why is it called American Idol? If it isn’t about the Idol, why is it called the immunity Idol? If it isn’t about the Idol, why does the host say: “this is the idol you now covet”? Are Americans spending the same amount of energy, time, and money on their worship of the Lord that they spend on the alluring idols? If the answer is no, then those idols have a higher priority in the average American’s life than does God. That is the very definition of an idol before God. But God knows your heart. Right? You better believe he does. Do you know your heart? Be honest with yourself, do you show more heart at the theater or the pew?

It isn’t possible to trick someone into accepting Jesus. I am not saying some churches don’t try, but ultimately it just can’t be done. Your heart has to be in it when you accept Jesus. You can’t simply recite some words and poof your saved. It must come from the heart. It is possible to be led astray however. It is possible and the temptations are very prominent. Who or what is behind making those idols so alluring? It is getting harder and harder to have your heart in the right place while living as an American. Our sensitiveness to evil is constantly under attack. You have no doubt heard about being desensitized. We are subjected to movies depicting realistic killing, abuse, horrors and other perversions. The news sensationalizes every horror from around the world and keeps most people glued to the couch rather than living a wholesome life. Will anything be solved by some commentaries about whatever happens to be making the news this week, or will it merely steal a piece of your life, raise your blood pressure and add stress? Who is behind the allure of the media? God? Why do all of the reality shows subject the players to conditions, which make them betray God? I saw one young man on Amazing Race say;” we do not worship other gods”. He made that statement as he was literally bowing down on his knees to some false God of the East. He seemed to think that by saying the opposite of what he was doing, it somehow made it right. Actions speak louder than words. He would have lost the chance to win a bunch of money if he didn’t bow down to the false god. Who is behind putting the young man in that situation? God? We as Americans are bombarded from every direction. Walk into the hardware store and pick up some spackling paste. One of the most popular brands is “Red Devil”. It is a good product. Good = Red Devil. Not comfortable with that association? One of the most popular saw blades on the market is the Diablo brand. Most popular = Diablo. How do these associations come so easy? Is it a coincidence? Maybe. Why would anyone name a product after the devil? Who is behind it? God? What is that hand gesture so many people make symbolic of? You know the one: index and pinky up right. The person who makes the gesture sometimes sticks out their tongue for added emphasis. That is symbolic of the devil’s horns but few ever give it a second thought. Pop culture is full of these types of things. What about when one person bows to another chanting “we’re not worthy”. It’s just a joke right? Maybe. Maybe it is also one more way to desensitize us.

Have you read my articles about the true origins of our holidays? If not, give them a look. Several times a year Zeus rears his ugly head right here in America and has most of the population following in the ancient traditions of worshiping false gods.

How many Americans are having their lives stolen by alcohol or drugs? Who or what is behind those all too alluring thieves. Is it God? Why has the television desensitized us to sex and lewd behavior? Why are gangsters and mobsters now idolized by some people? Would they feel the same if it were their money being stolen, or their child kidnapped, or their legs broken? Why is the thought of those things happening to others so alluring to some? Is that of God? The Internet brings pornography and every other evil right into your home. Who or what is behind that? Is it God? Never before has the temptress been able to so thoroughly penetrate almost every home in America. Is that a coincidence? Maybe. God tells us to separate ourselves from the world. Is it still possible to do that in America or anywhere else in the modern world? We are all controlled by money to some extent if we want to live a civilized life. Most are slaves to credit. Many will do almost anything for the right price. There are shows on TV, which prove this over and over. There is always a new gadget that is so alluring we must have it. To get them we must have that almighty dollar, the one that actually carries the markings of the beast. Who or what is behind making these things so alluring? Who is behind all of these idols and the worship of them and of money? Who has tricked the American people into believing our currency is worth worshiping? Who has tricked the American people into believing its ok to have idols and somehow it is ok to worship them too as long as it is not called worship? Is it God? Or does God just see America for the great whore that she has become both financially and spiritually?

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